my favourite movies
2007.05.14 23:54
Sister Act 2 The sound of Music
Yes, the common theme of those movies is “Music and Children”.
The children, who didn’t know how actually could express themselves or even that they were allowed to express themselves, met music. Then they learned or felt that there were people who would probably accept them.
Some people, not only children but grown-ups too, might be scared of expressing himself frankly and showing who actually he is, thinks, feels or wants…. Because they are afraid of being judged as an “unimportant person”, too much.
Sometimes I feel that way, as well. I don’t want to be misunderstood by anyone. And all because I love everyone, I don’t want anyone to hate me. Then I think that I would probably rather say nothing to avoid being hurt or hurting others.
For some reaseons I have once really forgotten how I could express myself. I just did what seemed to be the things what I was supposed to do. I had just no idea what everything was for. I was totally depressed, talked only to myself and thought something like philosophical stuff everyday.
Since then, I’ve learned how important to be able to express myself, no matter with or without intension. Like this post, for instance, people do understand me or what I mean at least, as long as I try to tell them, even it’s got many mistakes.
Everybody cannot sing like a bird or Lauryn Hill. Songs don’t always have to be perfect. The hearts of singing can move others.
sing, sing a song, make it simple to last your whole life long. Don’t worry that it is not good enough, for anyone else to hear, just sing, sing a song. (by sing)
Those movies tell us that we all can express ourselves. In these cases, especially with music, but it is of course possible with other ways, like sports, painting, fashion, dancing, writing, talking, and so on. By expressing oneself, we are communicating with each other.
Don’t be shy or scared. Express and Impress is like playing catch, we say in Japan.
I give my emotion to you and You give me yours!
So, it was a small introduction to “Communication science”, which I study at university and write dissertation on 🙂
Watch these movies, if you haven’t seen yet. Children’s pure hearts and lovely sweet music make me always feel so pure and clean. They are my favourite movies!!